Scaling and root planning refers to a periodontal deep cleaning technique for those patients suffering from gum disease.

Gum Disease
Gum disease is caused by the build-up of unwanted bacteria along the teeth, referred to as plaque. Plaque forms along the teeth over time, in the event of poor oral hygiene. The build-up of this unwanted bacteria can lead to a variety of gum issues, including gum damage and inflammation.

Over time, this can cause the gums to pull away from the teeth, form extra space between the teeth and gums referred to as pockets, these pockets will trap plaque and and bacteria over time – because the location, this bacteria is impossible to remove with normal brushing and a deep cleaning is needed. When left untreated, gum disease can lead to bone and tooth loss.

Early detection is vital for gum disease, as it can limit the damage and bacteria build-up from beneath the gumline. When these pockets become deeper, a regular cleaning will not suffice and scaling and root planning are needed.

Scaling and Root Planing Procedure
For patients with chronic periodontis, scaling and root planing are extremely beneficial. Periodontal issues like gingivitis and periodontis are far more common than you might think, affected over 40% of adults across the US.

The procedure is broken into two parts:

  • Scaling is the process of remoing the plaque and tartar from both above and below the gumline – all the way down to the bottom of the pocket.
  • Root Planing is done after, by smoothing out the roots of your teeth in order to help your gums reattach to your teeth.

These treatments may require multiple visits, but will drastically improve your periodontal health overall. In some instances the deep cleaning may be a bit painful, and anesthetic may be used.

Once the treatment is completed, your teeth may be sensitive for a few days. In addition, your gums may become swollen, experience tenderness or even end up bleeding. In addition to the possibility of infection, it is important to follow any and all aftercare tips provided by our team and be sure to attend all follow up appointments, for more information be sure to contact us today.