What is a Dental Extraction?
A dental extraction is simply the removal of a tooth. An extraction may become necessary for both adults and children, for a number of reasons.

Why Get a Dental Extraction?
The most common reasoning for a children’s dental extraction is the presence of new, adult teeth, before the “baby teeth” below have fallen out yet. In this situation the baby tooth must be removed to allow the new tooth to grow properly. Otherwise a number of other issues can arise such as crowding, shifting, or poorly aligned teeth.

For adults there are a number of reasons why a tooth may need to be removed. The most common reasons being:

  • Crowding of teeth: Too many teeth in a small space, with poor alignment.
  • Bacterial Issues, Infections or Cavity: Presence of decaying tooth matter within the tooth that has gone past the point of repair.
  • Periodontal Health Concerns or Gum disease.

Signs That You Might Need a Dental Extraction
Dental extractions are some of the most common oral healthcare procedures around, some signs that you might need a dental extraction include:

  • Heavily decayed, chipped or even broken teeth.
  • Presence of bacteria extended too deep into the nerve pulp of the tooth, causing cavities, or infection. Some tooth infections can become so severe that antibiotics or a root canal will not help. An extraction will keep the infection from spreading.
  • Advanced gum disease. Tooth extraction may be the only way to prevent the spread.
  • Crowding of teeth in the mouth. Some teeth may need to be removed in order to prepare for braces or alignment treatment.
  • Wisdom teeth that need to be removed.
  • Having extra teeth or not losing a baby tooth into adulthood.
  • A sever tooth ache or swelling around the tooth.

How Does a Dental Extraction Work?
The area around the tooth is injected with a local anesthetic to numb the surrounding area. If more than one tooth needs to be extracted, then a stronger anesthetic may be needed. In certain rare cases a tooth can become impacted, then the surrounding gum and bone tissue will need to be cut away. Using forceps, we grasp the tooth and it is gently rocked back and forth to loosen the root from the bone and ligaments. When the tooth is loose, we will use the forceps to pull the tooth and the root out of the gum. You may feel some light pain or discomfort for the next few hours, but it will subside within a day. If you are in need of an extraction contact us today as your tooth will only get worse and become far more painful with time. For more information on dental extractions or to schedule an appointment, be sure to contact us today.